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Direct Message followers of a specific account

Direct Message followers of a specific account





76.95 $

Price for 1000

Important notes: - In the link field: put the link of the publication that you want to send to the users In the Username field, put the following in order: 1- In the first line: the message you want to send with the post 2- In the second line: User the account you want to withdraw followers from and send the message to them Start time: 0-24 hours


76.95 $

Price for 1000

Important notes: - In the link field: put the link of the publication that you want to send to the users In the Username field, put the following in order: 1- In the first line: the message you want to send with the post 2- In the second line: User the account you want to withdraw followers from and send the message to them Start time: 0-24 hours